The Hong Kong Society for the Deaf
The Hong Kong Society for the Deaf

Audiological Service

The Hong Kong Society for the Deaf
The Hong Kong Society for the Deaf

The Audiology Centre of the Hong Kong Society for the Deaf provides a wide range of affordable and professional audiology services to hearing-impaired persons. In collaboration with other multi-disciplinary members, the professional team of Audiologists and Audiology Technicians at the Audiology Centre offers comprehensive diagnostic and rehabilitation services to facilitate aural, speech and social rehabilitation of hearing-impaired persons.

Target Users

    Regular Audiology Services (Subvented by The Social Welfare Department):
  • Any holder of Hong Kong Identity Card or Hong Kong Birth Certificate of all-age is eligible to apply.
  • Self-Finance Audiology Services:
  • Any person with/ without Hong Kong Identity Card or Hong Kong Birth Certificate of all-age is eligible to apply.


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