The Hong Kong Society for the Deaf
The Hong Kong Society for the Deaf

Cochlear Implantation Centre

The Hong Kong Society for the Deaf
The Hong Kong Society for the Deaf

The Centre was established in 1989 collaboratively by our Society and the Division of ENT, Department of Surgery of Queen Mary Hospital, Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine of the University of Hong Kong. In the same year, we operated the first multi-channel Cochlear Implant in Hong Kong on an adult with profound hearing loss. In 1994, the first Cochlear Implant surgery for hearing impaired children was conducted.

Service Objective

The Centre offers comprehensive service, including: pre-operative and post-operative medical rehabilitation, auditory assessment, speech assessment, rehabilitation training and social psychological counselling. A mutual support group was later established for Cochlear Implant recipients to share their experiences to encourage more individuals in need to seek further consultation.

Understanding Cochlear Implant

Our Centre comprises of multi-disciplinary professionals including ENT specialist doctors, audiologists, speech therapists and social workers.

What is Cochlear Implant?

Cochlear Implant is an advanced electric equipment which processes external sounds into electric energy and to directly stimulate auditory nerves and transmit the signals into the brain.

What does Cochlear Implant compose of?

Cochlear implant is mainly composed of the implant and the speech processor. 。

  • Implant: Includes magnet, receiver/stimulator and an electrode array embedded in the cochlear, and it is implanted in the body through surgery; 
  • multi-channel processor will filter the sound and transmit the signals to the receiver/stimulator inside the body.

Service Users

    The Cochlear Implant recipients is targeted for individuals with profound hearing loss, and whether one is suitable for the operation depends on the results of all-round assessments. According to the Hospital Authority, suitable individuals must fulfill the following criteria: 
  • Hearing loss of both ears are above 90dB (categorized as profound hearing loss);
  • Hearing aids do not have a significant impact;
  • Normal ear structure (Through Computer Scan and MRI Checks);
  • Adequate health conditions;
  • With support from family;
  • With thorough understanding and reasonable expectation of the operation; 
  • Operation on children born with hearing impairment would achieve better results if it is carried out sooner than later, for acquired deafness in adults, operations are preferable after appropriate training. 

Are there limitations of Cochlear Implant?

Cochlear implant recipients would not recover hearing fully; 

  • Sounds processed by cochlear implant is different from normal sounds;
  • Ears with cochlear implant will not be compatible with hearing aids;
  • Intensive exercises have to be avoided after the operation to avoid head injuries;
  • Have to be aware of static electricity;
  • Before undergoing MRI check, one has to consult the doctor responsible for implant.

Potential risks resulted from the surgery

  • Inflammation at the wound (In case it happens, another operation may be required to take out the cochlear implant);
  • Facial paralysis;
  • Tinnitus;
  • Dizziness;
  • Cerebrospinal Fluid Rhinorrhea;
  • Meningitis;
  • Risks associated with general anesthesia; 
  • In cases which cochlear implant become faulty in the future, another operation may be required to replace it)

How could hearing impaired individuals benefit from Cochlear Implant?

  • Cochlear Implant recipients could first receive sounds from various environments, in addition to lip-reading, would then be able to adapt to conversation and some would be able to talk on the phone;
  • The effects of implant vary from person to person, so comparison with other recipients are not recommended. Most recipients would improve with time and experience after the operation, and sometimes lip-reading may be used altogether; it would help to participate in professional auditory and speech training.
  • Apart from improving hearing ability, recipients could also control and improve their speaking volume, tone and pronunciation through listening to their own voices.

Service Procedures Overview

  • Medical Consultation at Hospital (Specialist/ENT)
  • Assessment on whether the individual is suitable for the operation (includes brain scan, MRI, hearing ability assessment and speech assessment)
  • Cochlear implant professional group select adults and children most suitable for the operation
  • Potential Cochlear Implant recipients decide whether to go ahead by joining meetings of Cochlear implant professional group
  • Doctor answers any queries before the operation
  • The operation will be carried out at Queen Mary Hospital / Tung Wah Hospital
  • Speech processor of the cochlear implant to be evaluated by audiologists
  • Speech therapists offer appropriate rehabilitation training
  • Social workers offer counselling and support
  • Recovery

Reference Websites: 

Service Locations

1.Tseung Kwan O Multi-services Centre 
Address: 6/F., Sheung Mei House, Sheung Tak Estate, Tseung Kwan O, N.T. Tel: 2711 1974 Fax: 2760 9442
WhatsApp:5398 5968



Getting Here
Bus: 290A、290A、296A、296C、296D、296M、694、792M、796S、796X、798、E22A
Green minibus: 103M、108A、110
MTR: Exit B2, Tseung Kwan O Statio

2. The Department of ENT, Queen Mary Hospital
Address: 8/F, Block S, Department of ENT, Queen Mary Hospital, 102 Pok Fu Lam Road, Hong Kong
Tel: 2255 3388
Fax: 2255 3464


Getting Here
Bus: 4、4X、7、30X、37A、37B、37X、40、40M、40P、71、71P、90B、91、93、93A、93C、94、970、970X、973、A10
Green minibus: 54、54M、55、63


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