The Hong Kong Society for the Deaf
The Hong Kong Society for the Deaf

Sign Language Interpretation Service

The Hong Kong Society for the Deaf
The Hong Kong Society for the Deaf

The Centre provides interpretation service to hearing impaired persons and strives to help them overcome communication difficulties and barriers.

Service Users

Hearing Impaired Individuals

Service Areas

  • Sign language interpretation service for hearing impaired individuals
  • On occasions such as court hearing, statement recording, wedding, job interview, medical service, and application for legal aid, housing, driving license or visa etc.

  • Sign language interpretation service for public and private organizations
  • Includes the Legislative Council, Governmental Departments, Radio Television Hong Kong (RTHK) and social service organizations etc.

Service Charge

Free of Charge (Fees may be charged for special circumstances, please contact our staff for enquiries)

Application for Service

  • Reservation of services could be made by call, fax, sms text, Whatsapp or in person at Homantin Centre. You will be notified of the results of your application within two working days.
  • On the day of interpretation, service users may arrange the next appointment with the interpreter if further service is required. If the booking is full on the desired date, service users could arrange with the interpreter for another suitable date.

Withdrawal from Service

If service users decide to opt out from our services, please notify us by call, sms text, Whatsapp or fax.

Service Location

Homantin Centre
Address: 513-516, Kar Man House, Oi Man Estate, Homantin, Kowloon


Getting Here
Bus: 7B、8、17、18、41、45、109、E21A
Green minibus: 8
MTR: Exit A3, Ho Man Tin Station

Service Hours

9am – 1pm    
2pm – 5:30pm    

* Except Public Holidays; services could be arranged for evening or on weekends on request


Sign Language Centre
Tel: 2711 3134
Fax: 2711 3946
WhatsApp:6097 0179


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