The Hong Kong Society for the Deaf
The Hong Kong Society for the Deaf


Every year HKSD organizes various large-scale public education activities, such as the Hong Kong Sign Language Day and Orienteering in Silence, in order to encourage understanding of the difficulties faced and needs of the hearing impaired, and therefore promoting inclusion in the society. 

It has been our pleasure to work with different corporate partners in the past, and we seek to extend our collaboration with a variety of initiatives and together we hope to build an inclusive community.

  1. Donation

  3. Sponsorship
  4. Every year the Society organizes various public education activities to enhance the public’s understanding of the hearing impaired community. We welcome your institution to sponsor the activities below, by means of monetary donation, venue sponsorship, product sponsorship for gifts or prizes, offering of advertisement space and video production etc.

    If you are interested in sponsoring our activities, please contact our Corporate Communications Department on 2348 6968 or email for further discussion.

  1. Deaf Experiential Activities
  2. Our Deaf Cafeteria is the first social enterprise in the territory which is run by hearing impaired persons. It was established in 1995 and aims to offer diverse employment opportunities for the hearing impaired as well as deaf experiential programmes for the public. 。

    Activities such as silent orienteering, barrier-free communication workshop or sign language trial could offer a unique opportunity for team-building exercise for your fellow colleagues and at the same time learning basic sign language and enhancing understanding of the hearing impaired.

    If you are interested in cooperating with HKSD, please contact our Corporate Communications Department at 2348 6968 or email for further discussion. Thank you!


Barrier-free Communication Workshop 


Sign Language Activities 


Silent Orienteering


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