The Hong Kong Society for the Deaf
The Hong Kong Society for the Deaf

Scholarship and Educational Fund

The Hong Kong Society for the Deaf
The Hong Kong Society for the Deaf

T.M. Gregory Memorial Scholarship

Tertiary Education for the Deaf – hearing impaired persons who pursue tertiary education overseas or persons aspired to study professional training courses related to the hearing impaired. Application opens from June to September each year.

Simon K.Y. Lee and Lee Chi Hung Scholarship

For hearing impaired persons aspired to pursue local tertiary education. Eligibility includes hearing loss of over 50dB, continuous residence in Hong Kong for more than 3 years, completion of S5 or equivalent education, the course applied is provided by a recognized institution and the course duration is more than one year. Application opens from June to September each year.


Counselling Centre
Tel: 2711 1974
Fax: 2760 9442


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