The Hong Kong Society for the Deaf
The Hong Kong Society for the Deaf

Sign Language Song Group



The group was established in June 1987 by hearing impaired and hearing individuals. Through performing sign language songs, the performing arts group aims to promote cooperation of disabled and abled persons. The group also supports various services of the Society.。


Hearing impaired and hearing individuals


Anybody who is interested in participating and performing sign language songs can join the group through open recruitment and interview by current members.


Regular meetings are held monthly.

Past Activities

Public / District Public Education Performance: to showcase the talents in performing arts of hearing impaired persons and to offer members chances to create their performances and develop their skills. The Centre also arranges training in performing arts to enhance the attractiveness and excitement of performances.

Volunteering Service: to play an important role in volunteering training talks and training camps, for example, our members participated in inclusive home visits, served the community along with hearing volunteers, and joined activities held in Sai Kung District which cares for the elderly.




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